Publishing began in 1990 when Jim Hanson and Matt Taylor decided they would
offer consistently high quality materials to the
debate community. Beginning with just policy materials and a debate textbook,
West Coast has expanded into LD and Public Forum and an individual events
textbook. West Coast is a
non-profit educational dedicated to offering: LD Evidence Policy Debate
Evidence Public Forum
Debate Evidence Debate and IE
Textbooks West Coast is managed by Jim Hanson Ph.D., University of Southern California; Jim is currently Director of Forensics at
Seattle University, President of West Coast Publishing and Executive Director
of Climb the Mountain Speech and Debate Foundation. He has been a coach of
six national championship squads, in policy and parliamentary debate, and has
had student win hundreds of awards in individual events as well. Widely
praised by his students and colleagues, with five coach
of the year awards, and a Mellon grant for diversity, he received his Ph.D.
at the University of Southern California; his M.A. at the University of
Washington; and his B.A. at Western Washington University. Email Jim Hanson at jim@wcdebate.com We have dozens of researchers working to
provide you with consistently high quality materials
for policy, LD, public forum, and extemporaneous speaking. US Mail Snoqualmie WA 98065 Web Page: www.wcdebate.com By Phone: 360-536-1983 (please email us if at all possible; you will get a quicker response) Email Jim Hanson at jim@wcdebate.com We are an equal opportunity employer; we do
not discriminate in any way other than in producing timely, quality services
and products from ethical, qualified researchers. We are the sole source of the products
featured on our pages. ORDERING |